Our prayer is that The Pillar will look & feel like a real pillar for everyone who is part of it. Because of this we aim to approach everything we do in the following way…

A pillar is a structure that:

Is often aligned with a religious building (links to value S)

The Pillar is a Christian project and therefore our vision, mission, values and approaches are based on the Christian faith. Our team is made up of Christians and the resources we produce are often informed by the Bible and Christian teachings.

Holds an entranceway (links to value P&L1)

We offer an innovative way into church and mental health support for young people. We do this by meeting them where they are at and providing support in a church building. We want everything we offer to be completely invitational and feel like an open door to them. We never want young people to feel that they have to do, say or be anything they do not want to.

Supports a bridge (links to value L1&R) 

For young people who may not see church as relevant to them, we support the bridge between where they are at and the possibilities the future holds for them. This approach informs our carefully thought-out framework where we can journey with young people along the bridge at their pace, helping them to make changes and ask questions.

Gives a platform (links to value I&L2)

We know that young people are passionate about justice and creating change where it is needed. We want to give a platform for young people to have their stories and experiences heard, to inform change and improve mental health care for the future.

Allows things to be built upon (links to value I&L2)

We offer support that helps to hold young people up whilst empowering them to stay there. We always seek to equip young people with the support we offer, to go on and build a life they want. We always aim to work in a way that does not disable them or mean they become reliant on us.

Plays a crucial part in something bigger (links to value P,I&S)

We know that the change needed to give young people the mental health support they deserve is way bigger than anything we could achieve on our own. We will always aim to listen to what God is calling us to do specifically, whilst partnering with and working alongside the many existing charities and organisations in the field.

Is made to last (links to value P&I)

Research has found that the most effective support for young people involves journeying alongside them over a substantial period of time, whilst empowering them to take the lead. The current mental health system in the UK is lacking this kind of support resulting in re-referrals and large waiting lists. We want to offer support to young people for as long as possible, so they can leave us in the confidence that they can go on and live the life they want. Because of this, we work to make everything we do as sustainable as possible. This includes thinking about sustainability in the wider context of our environment.