Pastoral care is a vital ministry that provides support, guidance, love and prayer to individuals and families in times of need. If you or someone you know has a pastoral need and would like to speak to a member of our pastoral team, please email with the details and how we can contact them.
Our vision is to see lives transformed, hope restored & freedom found in Jesus! Pastoral care at St. Wins can take many forms, we offer:
Mutual support and encouragement.
Guidance & support in the Christian life.
Listening, praying, offering support, reading scripture & being present.
At home or at hospital.
In one another’s houses.
Offering support.
Supporting each other to their potential.
Offer supportive relationships.
Coming together to alleviate feelings of grief or distress
Offering words of hope and inspiration to those who are struggling or in need of guidance.
Offering meal trains after the birth of a baby, a hospital stay or a debilitating illness.
We have Life Groups which offer Pastoral care also: this can take the form of friendship, Spiritual care, hospitality, mentoring, prayer, equipping and nurturing. This provides a safe and supportive environment for individuals to grow in their Faith and personal lives.
‘Cast the bread of gentle compassion upon the troubled waters of other people’s lives.’ - Milton Vahey.
If you have any questions, please contact us.